The Dark Servant Volume Three: Dark Bonds
Book Twenty-Two

They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but Chancellor Virien’s
rage will permit no delay. He lays his plans with care, devising the perfect
trap for the two men who’ve foiled his plans time and time again. Captain
Jisten and High Priest S’Rak are going down and Virien will be there to gloat
over their misfortune. Will the lovers prevail once more, or will Lord Virien
get the last laugh?
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Book Twenty-Three

Captain Jisten has won his battle and High Priest S’Rak is now legally
his. His intention is to keep S’Rak a slave in name only. But it’s really easy
to forget that it’s all a sham when S’Rak is so very sexy and scantily clad.
Jisten treads a narrow path between Koilathan law and divine law, with disaster
to either side should he falter. Will the captain persevere or will he fall
prey to the temptation of Rak’s sweet seduction and his own dominant desires?
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Book Twenty-Four

Captain Jisten takes his heavily pregnant mate, High Priest
S'Rak, north to the estate he was awarded for saving Prince Jethain's life. Managing
an estate is not something Jisten has any experience in, yet he has to organize
his lands to not only help his Valer kin, but to turn a healthy profit as well,
and all without the use of slavery.
S'Rak's due date is near, but forces are aligning against the duo and the prince they're sworn to protect. With enemies all about them, they must stand together or everything they care about will be lost.
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S'Rak's due date is near, but forces are aligning against the duo and the prince they're sworn to protect. With enemies all about them, they must stand together or everything they care about will be lost.
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Book Twenty-Five

Two young boys fly south to rescue their father. A barbarian
army rolls north like a plague of locusts. Babies are born and plots are
hatched, and woe is he who stands still, for events seek to overwhelm them all.
Will love prevail against impossible odds?
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Book Twenty-Six

Jisten is embroiled in conflict against an invading army of shapechangers who
want nothing more than to reduce the kingdom to the wilderness it was carved
from. Baby Rasten has been stolen from his cradle, but S’Tyll and Pikara are in
close pursuit. High Priest S’Rak has been betrayed by a false friend and
captured by one of the few people he can’t stand. Okyran diplomats have arrived in Summertown
and are threatening death and destruction if the Koilathans don’t come to their
senses immediately. The Kephi priest Pajel, meanwhile, is being seduced by the
very temple he’s supposed to be spying on. In the darkness of the woods, is
there any hope remaining?
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Book Twenty-Seven

While Prince Jethain defends
Koilatha from the Lythadi invaders and the delegation of dark servants make
their position very clear to King and Council, High Priest S’Rak and Captain
Jisten remain captives of Chancellor Virien.
Neither will leave without the other, trapping both in an abyss deeper and crueler than anything they’ve withstood before. Only together can they hope to break free of their prisons, but will they be able to overcome the horror and pain of the present to look to the future?
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Neither will leave without the other, trapping both in an abyss deeper and crueler than anything they’ve withstood before. Only together can they hope to break free of their prisons, but will they be able to overcome the horror and pain of the present to look to the future?
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Book Twenty-Eight

Chancellor Virien has what he wants now—both High Priest S’Rak and Captain Jisten are his, collared and chained. The captain’s training proceeds apace, but S’Rak is strangely growing more defiant rather than less.
S’Rak now has what he lacked before—hope. Forces are gathering against the chancellor, intent on freeing him and the captain from bondage. Given Jisten’s love and secure in Scorth’s continued freedom, he dares to push back against his master.
As the Dark Army combines forces with Jethain’s Koilathan Army to combat the Lythadi threat, Virien hastens toward the privacy of his estate, fearing to lose it all.
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S’Rak now has what he lacked before—hope. Forces are gathering against the chancellor, intent on freeing him and the captain from bondage. Given Jisten’s love and secure in Scorth’s continued freedom, he dares to push back against his master.
As the Dark Army combines forces with Jethain’s Koilathan Army to combat the Lythadi threat, Virien hastens toward the privacy of his estate, fearing to lose it all.
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Book Twenty-Nine

Still on the road to Chancellor Virien’s land, High Priest S’Rak and Captain Jisten continue to cling to one another in the face of their suffering, but both begin to fight back, each in their own manner. The Gods are also stirring, taking an interest in the plight of the pair and doing what they can, subtly, to help. When Rak sees an opportunity for some payback, will he take it or will he wait for the situation to become more secure first?
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Book Thirty

At last, the army gathers on the edge of Virien’s lands. At last, the time draws near when High Priest S’Rak will remember what he is. As the influence of the Lord of Madness spreads, things start to turn against Chancellor Virien. S’Rak and Captain Jisten stand to gain much, assuming they both survive the coming storm intact. But can love survive when it’s tested to the breaking point and beyond?
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Book Thirty-One

High Priest S’Rak has vanished into the woods in company with madness himself. Captain Jisten, Prince Jethain and the dark servants seek to find him before the chaos mage Sura kills his soul-bonded dragon, Scorth. It seems that fate is stacking the odds against the lovers, for no sooner have Rak and Jisten found each other, they become separated once more.
To make matters worse, Jisten finds himself endlessly reliving that one horrible incident that nearly shattered his soul, and he questions his own love for the strange creature that is the Loftoni High Priest of the Storm Lord. Can their love survive Jisten’s breaking when all the Lythadi on Ydron are attacking?
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To make matters worse, Jisten finds himself endlessly reliving that one horrible incident that nearly shattered his soul, and he questions his own love for the strange creature that is the Loftoni High Priest of the Storm Lord. Can their love survive Jisten’s breaking when all the Lythadi on Ydron are attacking?
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Book Thirty-Two

High Priest S’Rak and Captain Jisten have won their freedom, but they still have a long road ahead of them. They seek help from the nearest Temple of Night, never dreaming of the trouble that will follow them and threaten to destroy everything they’ve worked to build. Will Jisten’s love survive having his eyes opened about the nature of the man he’s bonded to? Will Rak recover from his illness quickly enough to meet the threat of a chaos mage backed by an army of savages?
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Book Thirty-Three

High Priest S’Rak has mostly recovered from the wing fungus, but he has to repair the damage done to the temple before he can return to Koilatha. Captain Jisten has very definite ideas about life and death, and S’Rak’s plans challenge those beliefs but not in a good way. Will Jisten be able to come to terms with a service that not only permits, but also requires, human sacrifice? Or will this conflict be the one to tear the partners apart?
In distant Zoth, S’Tyll is on the run with Siol and Rasten, stolen right out of the palace from under King Narvain’s nose. S’Pajel rides with the slave trackers, but he’s not sure that he’ll be able to delay them enough for S’Tyll to make good his escape. Sun mage Teson still loves Pikara, even as he’s collared for it. Will love win out? Will Rak’s sons make it to freedom? Or will Narvain’s cruel grip claim them all?
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In distant Zoth, S’Tyll is on the run with Siol and Rasten, stolen right out of the palace from under King Narvain’s nose. S’Pajel rides with the slave trackers, but he’s not sure that he’ll be able to delay them enough for S’Tyll to make good his escape. Sun mage Teson still loves Pikara, even as he’s collared for it. Will love win out? Will Rak’s sons make it to freedom? Or will Narvain’s cruel grip claim them all?
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